Monday, February 22, 2010

Quitting My Addiction

Eating out has been especially hard lately. Now that I have been super-conscious about being gluten free, I can recognize that most places use wheat as a thickening agent. I mean, no one would think to look at the labels on a yogurt container (La Yogurt, I believe). Ok, maybe you would, but I never thought to check out the ingredients on yogurt! Coming to realize that my old staples were hidden pockets of gluten, I have been reduced to carefully reading the listings, becoming quite adept at searching for the evil 3 words: Modified Food Starch!

Back to eating out: NYC can be quite expensive, so I tend to attempt "lunch dates" with friends. Seriously, have you ever noticed that the lunch combos, especially in Asian restaurants, are the best?!?!? I mean, you can get an appetizer and FULL portion for $6-$7!

My staple food was Pad Thai, which I would eat AT LEAST twice a week. I always ignored the heartburn and indigestion that seemed to follow my delicious meal, until the nausea started to kick in, too. You might think that ignorance is bliss, but in reality, it can kill you! So... I finally caved in and asked the server if it was made with soy sauce (reminding me of the time that I watched "Nightmare on Elm Street" with my Blankey over my face, but my eyes peeking around the sides. It was one of those things that I just had to watch, even though I knew I shouldn't. I felt the same way when I asked about the soy sauce, as I knew that I didn't really want to know, but I had to). Horrified that it did, I had to give up Pad Thai. It kind of felt like I was giving up smoking- the longing and cravings, inability to walk anywhere near a Thai restaurant... The addiction was a hard one to break, but...

I found a GLUTEN FREE ASIAN RESTAURANT!!!!! Lilli and Loo ( On a random Sunday (it was Valentine's Day, but that is besides the point, as I think every day should be Valentine's Day!), I ate Pad Thai and Shrimp Tempura, and I was so full, I really needed the 30-minute walk home. It
was so worth it... Seriously, I am salivating just thinking about it.

Apparently there are a bunch of Gluten Free Asian Restaurants in the city. Had I known this was the case, I wouldn't have had to shamefully order my lunch, even though I knew I shouldn't! My addiction is no longer going to kill me. And besides, it could be way worse... :)

When you come to visit me, guess where we are going?!?!?!?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. without reading a word of this, i will assume you are quitting the blog!
